Of LTP induction, Grosshans et al. [19] reported an intracellular decrease and a surface increase of both, GluN1 and GluN2A subunits. In mature neuron cultures (22?0 days in vitro), NMDAR activity tonically suppressed GluN2B translation, while longlasting pharmacological blockade of NMDAR released thatDiscussion 1.- Hippocampal GluN1and GluN2A Proteins Increase in vivo after 5 Minutes in the OFNMDARs antagonists administered after training caused I-BRD9 biological activity retrograde amnesia for habituation as well as for other spatial and aversive memories [21,23,38]. Packard and Teather [39] had reported that NMDARs inhibition up to 1531364 2 h after training, though no later, impaired consolidation of spatial memory. There is only scarce information concerning NMDAR subunits differential participation in learning and memory. Overexpression of GluN2B subunits led to facilitation of LTP induction and to an improvement in spatial memory [40]. However, after selective blockade of GluN2B containing receptors, Guscott et al., [41] did not observe any effect on learning and memory; whereasNMDAR Subunits Change after OF Exposure and LTPFigure 4. NMDAR subunits modification in hippocampal order 374913-63-0 slices after transcription or translation inhibition during LTP induction. A. Left: Normalized slopes of evoked fEPSPs recorded as those in Figure 3, corresponding to the first pulse of the paired stimulation applied before and after TBS (arrow). Plots represent the average of five independent experiments over 90 minutes of recording (n = 5 for each group). Black line: drug perfusion. Insert on top: average traces of 10 individual recordings from a control slice and slices treated with ActD or CHX (black: 5 minutes before TBS; grey: 5 last minutes of recording). Right: Bars represent averages of normalized first pulse slopes of the 5 last minutes of recording for each group. LTP induction was blocked by 40 mg/ml CHX treatment (* p,0.05, one sample t test) compared to basal transmission (line referred to 1 in the graph). B. NMDAR subunits were evaluated by WB in same slices that in A. CHX treatment blocked GluN1 and GluN2A increase, while 50 mg/ml ActD only blocked GluN1 increase (* p,0,05 ONE WAY ANOVA, Dunnet Post-Test; n = 5 for each group). Insert on top: (from left to right): Representative GluN1 and GluN2A WB bands of +TBS+LTP slices (control), CHX and ActD +TBS+LTP slices treated slices. C. Table indicates mean 6 SEM for GluN1/ GAPDH (first row) or GluN2A/GAPDH (second row) in +TBS-LTP slices (n = 6) and +TBS+LTP 1662274 slices without any drug treatment (Control in B, n = 9), or treated with ActD (n = 5) or CHX (n = 5) (*** p,0.0001; ONE WAY ANOVA – Newman Keuls Test). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055244.gNMDAR Subunits Change after OF Exposure and LTPsuppression [47]. Hence, our results are in agreement with the fact that neuronal activity facilitates GluN2A expression and suppresses GluN2B translation in mature neurons, both leading to an increase in GluN2A/GluN2B ratio in response to neural activity.3.- GluN1 and GluN2A Proteins Increase after LTP Induction in Hippocampal SlicesGluN1 and GluN2A but not GluN2B, significantly increased after LTP effective induction in adult rat hippocampal slices. Since the amount of NMDAR subunits in slices without TBS was not different from that in slices that did not express LTP after TBS (+TBS-LTP), it can be concluded that LTP effective induction is required for the subunits increase. The results obtained in hippocampal slices are coherent with the increase.Of LTP induction, Grosshans et al. [19] reported an intracellular decrease and a surface increase of both, GluN1 and GluN2A subunits. In mature neuron cultures (22?0 days in vitro), NMDAR activity tonically suppressed GluN2B translation, while longlasting pharmacological blockade of NMDAR released thatDiscussion 1.- Hippocampal GluN1and GluN2A Proteins Increase in vivo after 5 Minutes in the OFNMDARs antagonists administered after training caused retrograde amnesia for habituation as well as for other spatial and aversive memories [21,23,38]. Packard and Teather [39] had reported that NMDARs inhibition up to 1531364 2 h after training, though no later, impaired consolidation of spatial memory. There is only scarce information concerning NMDAR subunits differential participation in learning and memory. Overexpression of GluN2B subunits led to facilitation of LTP induction and to an improvement in spatial memory [40]. However, after selective blockade of GluN2B containing receptors, Guscott et al., [41] did not observe any effect on learning and memory; whereasNMDAR Subunits Change after OF Exposure and LTPFigure 4. NMDAR subunits modification in hippocampal slices after transcription or translation inhibition during LTP induction. A. Left: Normalized slopes of evoked fEPSPs recorded as those in Figure 3, corresponding to the first pulse of the paired stimulation applied before and after TBS (arrow). Plots represent the average of five independent experiments over 90 minutes of recording (n = 5 for each group). Black line: drug perfusion. Insert on top: average traces of 10 individual recordings from a control slice and slices treated with ActD or CHX (black: 5 minutes before TBS; grey: 5 last minutes of recording). Right: Bars represent averages of normalized first pulse slopes of the 5 last minutes of recording for each group. LTP induction was blocked by 40 mg/ml CHX treatment (* p,0.05, one sample t test) compared to basal transmission (line referred to 1 in the graph). B. NMDAR subunits were evaluated by WB in same slices that in A. CHX treatment blocked GluN1 and GluN2A increase, while 50 mg/ml ActD only blocked GluN1 increase (* p,0,05 ONE WAY ANOVA, Dunnet Post-Test; n = 5 for each group). Insert on top: (from left to right): Representative GluN1 and GluN2A WB bands of +TBS+LTP slices (control), CHX and ActD +TBS+LTP slices treated slices. C. Table indicates mean 6 SEM for GluN1/ GAPDH (first row) or GluN2A/GAPDH (second row) in +TBS-LTP slices (n = 6) and +TBS+LTP 1662274 slices without any drug treatment (Control in B, n = 9), or treated with ActD (n = 5) or CHX (n = 5) (*** p,0.0001; ONE WAY ANOVA – Newman Keuls Test). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055244.gNMDAR Subunits Change after OF Exposure and LTPsuppression [47]. Hence, our results are in agreement with the fact that neuronal activity facilitates GluN2A expression and suppresses GluN2B translation in mature neurons, both leading to an increase in GluN2A/GluN2B ratio in response to neural activity.3.- GluN1 and GluN2A Proteins Increase after LTP Induction in Hippocampal SlicesGluN1 and GluN2A but not GluN2B, significantly increased after LTP effective induction in adult rat hippocampal slices. Since the amount of NMDAR subunits in slices without TBS was not different from that in slices that did not express LTP after TBS (+TBS-LTP), it can be concluded that LTP effective induction is required for the subunits increase. The results obtained in hippocampal slices are coherent with the increase.