Length for early sowing (a) emerFigure five. Effect of waterlogging duration on
Length for early sowing (a) emerFigure five. Impact of waterlogging duration on BI-0115 Inhibitor sunflower total root length for early sowing (a) emergence, (b) 2-leaf stage and (c) 4-leaf stage, and for late sowing (d) just immediately after sowing, (e) 2-leaf stage gence, (b) 2-leaf stage and (c) 4-leaf stage, and for late sowing (d) just after sowing, (e) 2-leaf stage and (f) 4-leaf stage. Each value could be the imply of three replications. and (f) 4-leaf stage. Each value could be the imply of three replications.four. Discussion 4. DiscussionSunflower Sunflower tolerance of waterlogging differed together with the stage of of plant improvement, of waterlogging differed using the stage plant improvement, the time of of sowing, the the duration of water inundation. Generally, tolerance to waterthe timesowing, and and duration of water inundation. Generally, plant plant tolerance to logging is connected using the the genotype, development stage, extent of of soil drainwaterlogging is related withgenotype, improvement stage, the the extent soil drainage, environmental conditions, the the interaction of waterlogging and soil salinity and the age, environmental circumstances,interaction of waterlogging and soil salinity as well as the depth on the groundwater table table [18,25,26]. In this experiment, the slow lower in perched depth from the groundwater[18,25,26]. In this experiment, the slow lower in perched water depth could could be due due shallow water table (0.85.ten m) and and towards the soil water depth partlypartly beto theto the shallow water table (0.85.ten m) for the soil form (clay-textured) and and land shape (flat and low land) within the study region. This slow detype (clay-textured) land shape (flat and low land) within the study area. This slow reduce in perched perched water the waterlogging duration, which may exacerbate waterlogging crease in water extendedextended the waterlogging duration, which may exacerbate waeffects on effects on plant development and development. Similarly, the performed conducted terloggingplant Alvelestat Purity & Documentation growth and improvement. Similarly, the experimentexperiment by Cox and McFarlane McFarlane [27] in southwestern Australia the intensity the intensity of was by Cox and[27] in southwestern Australia reported thatreported that of waterlogging waincreased was elevated by a shallow water table and terlogging by a shallow water table and subsoil clay. subsoil clay. Within the present study, soil inundation for 24 h did not influence emergence, plant height, Inside the present study, soil inundation for 24 h did not have an effect on emergence, plant height, shoot weight and root growth. Having said that, the inundation for 24 24 continued to make soil shoot weight and root growth. Nonetheless, the inundation for h h continued to generate waterlogging in the the 00 cm soil layer for as much as 102 h (Figure 1), indicating that sunsoil waterlogging in 00 cm soil layer for up to 102 h (Figure 1), indicating that sunflower cv. Hysun-33 has the capability to adapt to adapt to waterlogging. Though the mechanism flower cv. Hysun-33 has the capability to waterlogging. Although the adaptation adaptation was not examined inexamined in earlier study reported that sunflower cultivars have mechanism was not this study, a this study, a previous study reported that sunflower the ability to the aerenchyma for much better root aeration root aeration under waterlogging cultivars haveformability to kind aerenchyma for betterunder waterlogging strain [28].strain [28].Soil Syst. 2021, five,9 ofIn addition, sunflowers created adventitious roots right after expo.