PEER Review ten of 29 to common solar farms because the latter are
PEER Assessment ten of 29 to typical solar farms considering that the latter are mainly installed for producing electrical energy. In agrivoltaics, the solar panels are installed with larger ground clearance for letting the crop grow underneath. Furthermore, unlike a common solar farm exactly where the solar panels are tightly installed to maximize land use, in agrivoltaics, the solar panels are installed with tightly installed to maximize land use, in agrivoltaics, the solar panels are installed with enough clearance for straightforward movement of the farmers and farm equipment, as shown in sufficient clearance for simple movement in the farmers and farm gear, as shown in Figure eight. The solar panels used in agrivoltaics can either have fixed panels or single-axis Figure eight. The solar panels made use of in agrivoltaics can either have fixed panels or aa single-axis or double-axis sun-tracking potential [57]. The double-axis sun tracking mainly for maxor double-axis sun-tracking capability [57]. The double-axis sun tracking isis mainly for maximizing the power generation capacity solar panels. These solar panels are mainly in imizing the energy generation capacity of of solar panels. These solar panels are mostly ain a grid-tied configuration, such that the excess electricity generated from the systemis grid-tied configuration, such that the excess electricity generated in the system is transferred to the nearby electricity company’s grid [57]. Agrivoltaics are increasingly used transferred towards the regional electrical energy company’s grid [57]. Agrivoltaics are increasingly employed about the planet because of the many advantages [61,62]. about the world on account of the multiple advantages [61,62].Figure 8. Solar agriculture farm exactly where solar panels are co-located with crops.Figure 8. Solar agriculture farm exactly where solar panels are co-located with crops. 3. MethodologyTypically, SWOT evaluation is performed to determine the strengths and possibilities for 3. Methodology expanding an organization such that threats are eliminated by addressing the weaknesses [39]. For Generally, SWOTstrengths, is performed possibilities, and threats, a literature search determining the analysis weaknesses, to recognize the strengths and possibilities for expanding an organizationfarming with agriculture”, “agrivoltaics”, “agrivoltaics”, and on keywords and phrases which include “solar such that threats are eliminated by addressing the weaknesses [39]. For determining the strengths, farming was possibilities,digital libraries such other words relevant to solar energy with weaknesses, conducted on and threats, a literature search on key phrases like “solar farming with Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing as IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, Springer, Elsevier, and agriculture”, “agrivoltaics”, “agrivoltaics”, as well as other words relevant to solar energy with farming wasnews BMS-8 Cancer articles of higher Institute (MDPI). Furthermore, within this paper, we included reports or conducted on digital libraries for example IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, Springer, identifying other articles relevant reputation. Furthermore, we employed the snowball technique in Elsevier, and Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). Also, in this paper, we incorporated reports or to solar farming and agriculture [63]. Also, other literature was searched on digital news articles of keywords and phrases like solar farming, agriculture, and policy. libraries employing WZ8040 Purity & Documentation greater reputation. Furthermore, we utilised the snowball approach in identifying other articles relevant to solar farming on the best.